We are a Stop the Violence advocate with a mission to help young creatives discover their talents as (S)pecial (W)eapons (A)nd (T)actics to create positive, lasting change within our communities.
SWAT Meet Inc. offers three different programs focused on artistry development. Each program provides our members with a unique opportunity to develop their talents, learn valuable life skills, collaborate in team settings, attend skill-specific workshops with professional artists, and gain mentorship from our SWAT Mentors.
The SWAT Meet team encouraged me to take my talent more seriously. I enjoy the energy and the positivity that SWAT Meet brings. I love to draw my feelings onto paper because I put my all into when it’s coming from my emotions.
Swat Meet is an environment where everything about my personality is accepted. I can freely be myself without having to tone it down for others around. It’s encouraged to be yourself because that’s what that space is for.
To me Swat Meet means having a support system when I need it and a having safe place for my ideas to flow. Also challenging me to bring out things in myself that I thought I couldn’t do. It really helps me not doubt myself and realize that I can do anything that I put my mind to as long as I really try.
Ray June is an outgoing, energetic, innovative, and driven professional with a passion to enable youth to reach their full potential as productive members of society. His passion is evidenced in spending 15+ years (over half of his life) serving in various capacities (as both client and provider) within 501(c)(3) organizations, chartered to help young people grow and develop into caring and responsible citizens.
Through the years, Ray recognized his passion for helping youth and making music. Therefore, in 2019, Ray established SWAT Meet, Inc. to merge those two ideas into "Special Weapons And Tactics" that challenge the next generation to use their gifts to create lasting change.
As a result, SWAT Meet, Inc. has become a performing arts company that creates a platform for youth to express themselves as creatives, while bringing about professional, personal, and community development.
Ray June
special weapons and tactics
we use our talents as special weapons and tactics to create lasting change in our communities every time we meet up!
We are committed to serving our community, developing leaders, and providing mentorship through our programs.